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  1. Timothy Michael says:

    Good day I just purchased an old J&J Taylor safe and would like to know how to remove the door for transport reasons ,any assistance would be appreciated

    • House Stories says:

      Hello there. Sorry to take so long to get back to you. I am a historian and wrote this after having done a history of the house in which John Taylor lived. I have no specific knowledge of how the safe works etc. I do encourage you to consult with a locksmith. Sorry I can not help. Robin

    • Bonnie says:

      Hi Timothy Michael,
      I myself have inherited a J&J Taylor Safe, were you successful in finding someone to open it? Bonnie

    • Robin Tessa Burgoyne says:

      Hi there. I am a house historian and I posted about the J & j Taylor safe because I did a house history of the house of John Taylor. I don’t know anything about the safes themselves. The only thing I can suggest is that you try to contact the company that took over from them Chubb-Mosler, they might be able to help.
      Cheers and good luck, Robin

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